Never Rush Science...

During this week, after debating if I should continue my research with the biodegradation of microplastics using different types of Pseudomonas. I have decided that to stick with the same protocol and procedures. The project was not completely finished at the end of Fall semester, so that is one of the main reasons I did not want to just leave the project on the side and start on a new one. I really wanted to finish what I started. Especially, because the next step of my project is really exciting. Last semester consisted of just coming up with the protocol. Now that that is set and done, we can now apply that to actually getting some crucial data and really important images on the SEM that can help with determining biodegradation. So this whole week consisted of getting my schedule set for the whole semester and seeing what days Dr. Cotter, Ibrahim and I could get together and what times we will be using the SEM microscope to start the second part of our experiment. This week also consisted of piecing together what needs to be done, and also organizing everything that needs to be done and what we did. Organization is key, because if we take the time to look back in our experiment and recap on what was done, then we could learn and improve.

An organization no matter how well designed is only as good as the people who live and work in it.
-Dee Hock


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