Fixed vs. Growth Mindset

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I remember we had to read the book Mindest by Carol S. Dweck last semester too for this TRAIN class, however kind of skimming through it again there were some main key points that I didn't resonate with the first time I read it. I feel like the first time reading this book one of the main key points that I carelessly neglected to do, was to actually use the techniques on how to actually change a fixed mindset to a growing one. Like I knew what I had to do to get out of that fixed mindset I was in. Not going to lie, I wasn't really doing anything to help better my thoughts, and I really do believe that it was getting in the way of my education, and even my personal life. As cliche as it may sound, however, this pandemic and a lot of alone time being at home, along with other incidents that have happened recently, it has really made me think a lot more about what kind of life I want for myself. Getting closer to graduation, and going back to those long term goals that I had put aside for a while, I realized that I have to really start making some big decisions. All this thinking has made me start to evaluate everything good that is around me. One being able to go to school and be able to get a better and higher education for me and my family. I remember my first semester at ASU, was terrible not going to lie. The transition hit me like a wrecking ball and I didn't do too well in one of my classes. I was devastated because that has never happened to me before.  I seriously thought it was the end of the world, and I went to a fixed mindset real quick. I thought that I was not suitable for a University and that I would always fail. Now thinking back, it was not too bad, I was able able to retake the class and get a much better grade. Now luckily I am doing so much better, and I am glad I am able to view my education in a much more positive light. Another, really important thing that I should be grateful for is that I am walking and luckily healthy in a very difficult time such as today. However, these may only be two but there are a lot more I can think of, and it's mainly things that I may have taken for granted before. I am just glad I am able to fix these mistakes and habits now before I find myself in a deeper hole than before with no way out. :) 


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